Cook once Eat twice cookery course continuing on Wednesday 15th May 10am for more information see the poster at the bottom of the page.
The Community Café runs in BHR (lower hall) every:
Tuesday 10.30 to 2.00pm
Thursday 1.30-3.30 pm
Running since September 2019 in Brenda Horwood Room, downstairs at the Centre, with the entrance from the much loved Hinksey Park and through the garden. Fully accessible, everyone is welcome for coffee, tea and cake and soup made fresh each week. The Cafe runs from donations: suggested at £3.00 for soup and bread or a drink and cake, which helps cover running costs. A BIG THANK YOU to Jericho Coffee Traders who donate delicious fresh coffee.
A truly inter-generational event, providing a place to meet neighbours, take a break from home working and make new friends. Seating is also available in the Centre garden, providing a bright and sunny location within sight of Hinksey Pool.
Alongside the Centre’s Cafe Coordinator, a team of regular volunteers help run the cafe and regularly bake. New bakers and helpers are always welcome.
Find out about all the other things on offer at South Oxford Community Centre, and in the wider community by calling into the Cafe. The South Oxford Community Fridge is available during the Cafe both for donations and pick-ups, plus a Book and Jigsaw Swap.
A local resident, who recently moved into the area posted on social media that the community café on a Tuesday was a “highlight” of moving to the area.
Cafe Coordinator: Michelle Plaisted-Kerr, Tel: 07443 619661, Email: – available 12-2pm Monday, Tuesday and Thursday