Following the approval of the Submission Draft Oxford Local Plan 2040 by Council on 7 November, and the approval of the Partial CIL Charging Schedule Review by Cabinet on 18 October we are writing to notify you that consultations on both are now open and will run for an 8 week period until Friday 5 January 2024.
The Submission Draft Oxford Local Plan 2040 consultation offers the public the final chance to express their views on whether the Plan and accompanying Policies Map meets the tests of “soundness” set out in paragraph 35 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The Partial CIL Charging Schedule Review consultation offers the opportunity to comment on proposed changes to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) charging schedule.
Representations received during the local plan consultation period will be submitted to, and considered by, an independent Planning Inspector during the examination of the plan.
The consultation documents for the Submission Draft Oxford Local Plan 2040 are available to view on the City Council’s website:
The CIL Partial Review Draft Charging Schedule and the supporting evidence are available to view on the City Council’s website:
Hard copies of the Submission Draft Oxford Local Plan 2040, the entire evidence base and background papers and the CIL Partial Review Draft Charging Schedule are available for inspection in the reception area at our principal office at the Town Hall, St Aldates, Oxford, OX1 1BX.
A copy of the Submission Draft Oxford Local Plan 2040 and the Draft Charging Schedule will also be available to view at the following libraries: Oxfordshire County Library (Westgate), Blackbird Leys Library, Cowley Library, Headington Library, Littlemore Library, Summertown Library and Botley Library.
Comments can be submitted online, using our consultation portal, found at the following web addresses:;
Alternatively, copies of representation forms can be downloaded from our website at, obtained by emailing or by calling 01865 252847.
Hard copies can be returned by post to the Planning Policy Team, Oxford City Council, Town Hall, St Aldates, Oxford OX1 1BX.
Please note that your representation will be publicly available, and a copy will be published on the Council’s website. You may ask for your address to be withheld before publication, but representations cannot be anonymous.
The City Council will upon request notify you when: the Submission Draft Oxford Local Plan 2040 or the CIL Partial Review Draft Charging Schedule are submitted to the Secretary of State; the Examination Inspector has published his/her recommendations; the Oxford Local Plan 2040 or the CIL Charging Schedule has been adopted. On making such a request please provide full contact details.
Should you have any queries in relation to this consultation please contact the planning policy team via email at the address above.